Organisations of Scheduled Castes and Social Changes

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The present book deals with the structural manifestations of the aspirations of represented by the movements of Dalits. It provides a birds eye view of the Scheduled Castes in India through the ages and seeks analyse the status of these groups in contemporary India as a result of the concerted efforts by the organizations of scheduled castes. Based on the primary data elicited through interview schedules and secondary data gathered from different sources, the scheduled castes organizations and ascertain their role in bringing about, sustaining and managing structural changes in Indian society. In doing so, it comes to focus on the contributions of NGOs and Scheduled Caste elites in this process of social transformation. Drawing from these findings, an attempt is made in the book to arrive at conclusions that could provide empirical insights into the state of scheduled caste organizations and the suggestions made there from, if implemented in right earnest, can render these organizations more efficient and effective instruments of positive social change. This outstanding text-cum0references book will be of great use of scholars, administrators, planners, policy makers and students of Sociology and Women’s Studies.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sindhe Jaganath R.

Sindhe Jaganath R., Senior Faculty Member in the Post-Graduate Department of Studies and Research in Sociology, obtained First Class M.A., M.Phil., degrees in Sociology form the Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, Karnataka and has subsequently awarded a doctorate Degree in Sociology for his thesis entitled “Organisatioins of Scheduled Castes and Social Change”. He has taught Post-Graduate Classes in Sociology and women’s Studies for over a decade. He has authored two highly acclaimed books in Kannada on B. Shymsundar, father of Dalit Movement in India. He has published over a dozen articles and research papers in reputed journals and presented scholarly papers on various issues concerning castes at National and Regional Conferences. He is a member of several National and International Sociological Associations and he is an associate at Institute of Advance Studies, Rastrapati Bhavan, Shimla.


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Organisations of Scheduled Castes and Social Changes
1st ed.
331p., Tables; Glossary; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.