Organon of Medicine

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The Organon developed slowly out of Hahnemanns research and experimentation over a period of time. It underwent as many as six editions. This sixth edition incorporates the latest findings of Dr Hahnemann during his dying years and deemed to be the most perfect of all. Many newer concepts like replacement of the vital force by vital principle, the 50 millesimal scale of potency and permissibility of external applications were introduced for the first time that were unheard of in the other editions. The work is a result of the untiring efforts of the master to improve and update his work and is of historical importance as far as medical philosophy is concerned. High on philosophy, Footnotes explaining difficult concepts, Evolution of medical science reinstated.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hahnemann Samuel

Christian Friederich Samuel Hahnemann,founder of the homeopathic system of medicine was a thorough master of different languages in the likes of German, French, English, Italian, Latin Greek.,Arabic, Syriac, Chaldaic and Hebrew. His medical studies were pursued in the famous centers of learning in Europe. He graduated in medicine with special honors at Erlangen in the year 1779. He was a member of various scientific societies in Leipsic and other cities, and was highly honored for his researches in chemistry.The last years of Hahnemanns life were spent in Paris, where he was received with every mark of respect and honor, and where his great ability was recognized by an enormous clientage.


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Organon of Medicine
6th ed.