The present book is based on a presentation given by the author, discussing the most discussed and yet least understood part of homoeopathy i.e. case taking, which also happens to be the most important aspect of the system. He talks about common mistakes committed during case taking and how to avoid them. A list of questions to be asked has been given as a guide for the physician under all symptom headings i.e. general symptoms, mentals, cravings, aversions etc. Examples are given to explain how a physician can cross question his patient towards the end of the homoeopathic consultation to confirm the authenticity of the answers supplied. The language is simple and the manner frank with the author citing many examples from his personal experiences. Noteworthy is the addition of a chapter guiding on the principles of repetition of dose – which is the next most important step after case taking.
A Comprehensive Treatise on Prasuti-Tantra: Obstertrics (According to New CCIM Syllabus)
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