Our India: The Politico-Cultural Geography

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A Politico-Cultural Geography of India", is a comprehensive book dealing with three important components of present India, It gives a detailed political map of India in its present and former shape from over the ages. The historical! geography, the countries and the kingdoms in medieval and ancient modern periods with all information's relating to the dynasties ruled the extent of the kingdoms and the major contributions made by them. India known as bharathavarsha has its own peculiarities of culture being shaped by its environment, customs, traditions, value system and practices. It has left behind intelligible imprints of rich history and culture creating a sense of pride. It was a land of epics and puranas, the abode of saints and sages, knowledge and philosophy. Here rivers of perennial sanctity flows, forests and mountains have rich tradition and here are found lakes, ponds, surrounded by seas and oceans. The entire width and length of the country has full of temples, pilgrim centers, mosques and darghas along with churches. It is a land of higher learning and education.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mahesh Bhargava

Dr. Mahesh Bhargava, M.A. (Psy.), M.Ed., Ph.D. is a well known figure & personality in the field of Psychology, Education and Management. He is the Ex-president of section of Anthropological and Behavioural Sciences of the Indian Science Congress Association, Kilkata; President, Praachi Psycho-Cultural Research Association, Meerut; Chairman, Harprasad Institute of Behavioiural Studies, Agra; Director, President, CPCMRS, Alwar and Vice-President of Society for Community Mobilisations for Sustained Development, New Delhi. He has participated about 130 conferences and Seminars. To his credit 110 research papers and theoretical articles were published, contributed 10 psychological tests and 15 books. Associated with the editorial activities of 6 journals, obtained 3 National Awards and Editor of Psycho-lingua.


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Our India: The Politico-Cultural Geography
1st ed.
x+670p., Illustrations; Maps; 25cm.