Outcome Based Education: Towards a Pedagogic Shift

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The book Outcome Based Education: Towards a Pedagogic Shift had been conceived drawing inspiration from the Washington Accord (1989), an international accreditation agreement for professional education. The Accord has suggested outcome based education as an innovation in teaching and learning of subjects in the Indian curriculum. As a part of our efforts, we had brought together eminent scholars and academicians from different parts of India to confer on the theme of OBE. The valuable inputs during the conference on OBE held on 16 & 17 Jan 2015 at School of Management, National Institute of Technology Karnataka are incorporated in the form of this book. The book intends to bring in general awareness on outcome based education, different teaching methods for application of OBE in India and also explores the implication of OBE in graduate and postgraduate teaching of various courses. The articles covered in the book project innovations in different disciplines including humanities, social sciences, management, sports and medicine. The original ideas and opinions of the authors have been consolidated as a humble effort from the editors to bring forth an informative and enriching book for the academia.


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Outcome Based Education: Towards a Pedagogic Shift