Outlines of Indian Philosophy

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The beginnings of Indian Philosophy take us very far back to about the middle of the second millennium before Christ. The speculative activity begun so early was continued till a century or two ago, so that the history that is narrated in the book covers a period of over thirty centuries. During this long period, Indian thought developed practically unaffected by outside influence; and the extent as well a she importance of its achievements will be evident when it is mentioned that it has evolved several systems of philosophy, besides creating a great national religion – Brahmanism, and a great world religion – Buddhism.

The present work is based upon the lectures which Prof. Hiriyanna delivered for many years at the Mysore University. Its foremost aim has been to give a connected and, so far as possible within the limits of a single volume, a comprehensive account of the subject. After an introductory chapter summarizing its distinctive features, Indian thought is considered in detail in three parts dealing respectively with the Vedic period, the early post-Vedic period and the age of the systems. The account given of the several doctrines in each part generally includes a brief historical survey in addition to an exposition of its theory of knowledge, ontology and practical teaching.


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Outlines of Indian Philosophy
8120810864, 9788120810860
419p., Abbreviations; Index; 23cm.