The Science of Sanskrit Grammar and the Science of Sanskrit Poetics have played two distinct and significant roles in the development of Sanskrit language and Sanskrit literature. Sanskrit Grammar is characterized by a good number of different schools. Among those the most prominent is the school of panini. Three earliest authorities of the said school or system of grammar viz., panini, Katyayana and Patanjali are given the status of seers. The scope of Sanskrit Grammar is not confined to the problem of words, meanings and sentences. It has a much wider field than that. Eminent grammarians of the paninian School like Patanjali and Bhartrhari contributed many important philosophical views on different aspects of grammar, which have produced deep impact in the minds of prominent thinkers associated with many other branches of literature. Great authorities on Sanskrit Poetics have expressed clearly about their indebtedness to Sanskrit Grammar. The present work shows as to how closely the said two lores of learning viz., Sanskrit Grammar and Sanskrit Poetics are related. It explains as to how far the Sanskrit Poeticians or Aesthetes, right from Bharata to Panditaraja Jagannatha, are influenced by Sanskrit Grammar in general and the Paninian system of grammar in Particular.
Paninian Influence on Sanskrit Poetics
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Shrutidhara Chakravarty
Shrutidhara Chakravarty did her B.A. (honours in Sanskrit) in 1979 from Cotton College, Guwahati, securing high first class. She did M.A. in the year 1983 from the Department of Sanskrit, Gauhati University, Guwahati, and stood first class first. She did her Ph.D. from the same university in the year 1992. In 1985 she joined as Lecturer in the Department of Sanskrit, Rangia College, Rangia. In 1988 she joined the Department of Sanskrit, Gauhati University, as a Lecturer. Since 1996 she is serving the said Department at the capacity of a Reader. Apart from teaching in the M.A. and M.Phil. level and supervising Ph.D. programmes, she has authored several research papers, which have been published in various national and international journals. She has attended the International Conference on Sanskrit and related Studies, held at Krakow, Poland in the year 1993 and the 13th World Sanskrit Conference at Edinburgh, U.K. in 2006. She did a certificate course on German language from the Institute of German Language, Guwahati in 1994. She attended the 28th Study Session on Human Rights at Strasbourg, France, in 1997. She simultaneously completed at Strasbourg, France, an intensive training course for University teaching and research in Human Rights, in 1997. In the same year she completed an Internship Programme of the Centre for Human Rights at the United Nations Office at Geneva, Switzerland, with scholarship from the European Union.
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Paninian Influence on Sanskrit Poetics
1st ed.
Pratibha Prakashan, 2008
xvi+271p., Tables; References; Bibliography; Index; 23cm
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