The volume embodies the findings of survey of literature regarding the three major models of particpative management in former Yugoslavia, West Germany and India. Introductory chapter clarifies the conceptual framework and provides overview of available literature about Self-management, Co-determination and Consultation in the above said countries respectively. A detailed description of each model combined with analysis to prepare the ground for comparison and to derive the variables, is provided in the following three chapters. Majority of the studies conducted in the field have been limited either to description of the models individually or just simple surveys of some firms without any useful statements for the policy makers. And the work in hand is an endeavour to make up the leeway by bringing out some of the important conditions that can facilitate the functioning of effective participation which has been largely the neglected area by the social scientists. The book has a relevance for a diverse audience of students and all those who are interested in the Sociology of Participative Management.

Participative Management
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Participative Management
1st ed.
xiv+264p., Figures; Tables; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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