Participative Management and Rural Development

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Participative management and development including planning have assumed greater significance, particularly, in the developing countries whose economies are basically rural. Development participation, particularly rural development participation, involves a complex process of change in rural subsystems and their interactions resulting into desired improvements in rural incomers, employment opportunities , rural welfare and allied aspects of rural life. A good deal of literature has appeared in recent years and is continuing to appear on management development, local level planning, people’s participation, basic minimum needs and target group oriented approaches to development and related topics. But unfortunately very little has been written as to how the new approaches could be implemented. The present study being the first full-length study on the problem provides a theoretical framework in finding out proper management techniques for achieving development targets through effective participation of the masses. The book divided into eleven chapters discusses different dimensions of people’s participation and management techniques. It also throws fresh light on eliminating poverty by way of effective and decentralized planning. The book will be found highly useful for management experts, development administrators, planners, researchers and students.


Professor S.N. Mishra (b. 1942), after serving at Magadh University, joined the Indian Institute of Public Administration in 1980 where currently he is Professor of Rural Studies. Apart from publishing nearly twently books on various facets of Rural Society, he has contributed more than hundred research papers to the various journals in India and abroad. A member of the Executive Committee of the Indian Public Administration Association, Prof. Mishra's areas of specialization are: Indian Political System, Applied Public Administration, Political Sociology, Constitutional Law, Democratice Decentralization, Development Administration and Local Self-Government.


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Participative Management and Rural Development
Ist ed.
x+260p., Bibliography; Index; 22cm