This book caters to the needs of students, teachers, and research scholars interested in industrial relations and organisational behaviour. This book will also be of interest to practicing managers, HRD professionals, and policy-makers in the field of industrial policy. With the increasing pace of globalization and resultant stiff competition with increasing operation of market mechanism, participative management would be a futile exercise if it fails to contribute towards productivity. In this light, this book intends to investigate the contemporary issues and dchallenges of participative management and its possible instrumentality on productivity. This book finally establishes that participative management is instrumental in increasing job satisfaction, decreasing job dissatistaction and also leading to enhancement in the productivity. It is found more in tune with the current economic trend and industrial development rather than mere with industrial democracy and social justice.
Participative Management Contemporary Issues and Challenges: A Study of SAIL and TISCO
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Participative Management Contemporary Issues and Challenges: A Study of SAIL and TISCO
1st ed.
xii+476., Tables; Figures; Appeduces; Bibliography; Index; 22cm.
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