Past Forward: Six Artists in Search of their Childhood

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In this unique book six of India’s most renowned artists offer the reader glimpses into their lives and the origins of their work. Drawn into the world of the artists’ childhood, the reader gains a profound insight into the sources of inspiration which moulded each personality. Gowri Ramnarayan develops these stroies through a series of conversation with the artists concerned. Written in the first person, they are personal, immediate and idiosyncratic. The prefatory notes by the author, drawn from her interaction with the artists and her own observations, provide a background to the artists’ life and work. A highlight is sketches and cartoons of incidents from their childhood drawn especially for this book by M.F. Husain and R.K. Laxman; the book also contains numerous photographs and other illustrations. Refreshingly original, this will delight all young adults as well as readers interested in the arts and biography.


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Past Forward: Six Artists in Search of their Childhood
1st ed.
xiv+70p., Illustrations; 24cm.