This book presents fourteen essays written over five decades with a focus on the English language. The views of prominent writers such as Jonathan Swift and Margaret Atwood on their medium, and the problems faced by Bernard Shaw, Ernest Hemingway, E.M. Forster and Mulk Raj Anand in handling it, are discussed in five of these. These writers represent a wide spectrum of authors across nations and centuries. Three essays discuss issues related to English language teaching; tow deal with the development of English in the U.S. and India; one examines the question of standard English. The internet’s impact on this global language is illustrated in another article. The usefulness of linguistics in the analysis of literature for its better appreciation is pointed out in another essay.
Perspectives on English
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E. Nageswara Rao received training in the twin disciplines of English literature and linguistics in India, the USA and Canada. He holds two master's degrees : in British literature and in Teaching English as a Second Language; he obtained two research degrees : one for a thesis on Bernard Shaw's fiction and another for a thesis on Ernest Hemingway's rhetoric. He taught at a number of Indian north American Universities for nearly four decades and retired as Professor of English at Osmania University, Hyderabad. He received research grants from several Indian and Overseas Universities; he Presented over thirty Papers at international/national seminars and conferences. His publications include shaw the Novelist (1959), Earnest Hemingway : A Study of his Rhetoric (1983), Teaching a Second Language and Other Essays (1983), and forty-five research papers. His published work was cited in prestigious journals and books abroad. Professor Rao was President, Indian Association for American Studies for three terms, and member, Board of Directors, American Studies Research Centre, Hyderabad, for two terms. He is currently Vice-President of the Asian Federation of American Studies Associations. His name is listed among others in the Directory of ELT Specialists in India (1975), Who's Who of Indian Writers 1983 (1984), International Directory of American Studies Specialists (1985) and Learned India (1989).
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Bibliographic information
Perspectives on English
1st ed.
Authors Press, 2008
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