Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

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Biotechnology is the applications of scientific and engineering principles to the processing of material by biological agents to provide goods and services. Biotechnology can be viewed as a group of useful, enabling technologies with wide and diverse applications in industry, commerce and the environment. Biotechnology in recent years has created unprecedented opportunities, not only for the manipulation of biological systems for the benefit of the mankind, but also for undertaking studies to understand the fundamental life processes. Biotechnological developments have become a torrent of diagnostic and therapeutic tools, accompanied by ever faster and more powerful DNA sequencing and cloning techniques. The complete range of concepts, processes and technologies of biotechnology is applied in modern industrial pharmaceutical research, development and production. The book focuses on pharmaceutical biotechnology as a key area of life sciences. This book is unique, concise, up to date resource offering students an innovative, adoptive and valuable presentation of the subject. It covers all important biotechnological topics of academic and industrial interest. The present book will meet the demand for a complete textbook in biotechnology for pharmacy students. This book is also the ideal source of information for students, scientists and engineers in biotechnological research and development.


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Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
1st ed.


#Biotechnology #Pharmaceutical