Physiology of Flowering Trees

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The physiology of flowering trees has 13 chapters. The first chapter deals with growth and its coordination in trees. The second chapter deals with root system studies in fruit trees. The third chapter deals with morphogenesis and integration in tree organs. The fourth chapter deals with dormancy and germination. The fifth chapter deals with juvenility and senescence. The sixth chapter deals with flowering. The seventh chapter deals with pollination in fruit crops. The eighth chapter deals with fruit growth. The nineth chapter deals with fruit drop. The tenth chapter deals with physiology of stionic relationships. The eleventh chapter deals with pollutants on horticultural trees. The glossary containing related terms have been given. The selected references presented at the end can be useful to obtain for further information.

The effort have been made to describe various chapters of physiology of flowering trees in a systematic and comprehensive manner. The subject matter was illustrated with tables and figures, wherever, feel necessary. The books has been written keeping in view the requirements for the undergraduates and graduate students, teachers and research workers in the field of plant physiology. All the suggestions for further improvement of the book will be highly appreciated and accepted to incorporate in the next edition. Contents: Preface. 1. Growth and its coordination in trees. 2. Root system studies in fruit trees. 3. Morphogenesis and integration in plant organs. 4. Dormancy and germination. 5. Juvenility and senescence. 6. Flowering. 7. Pollination in fruit crops. 8. Fruit growth. 9. Fruit drop. 10. Physiology of stionic relationships. 11. Pollutants on horticultural plants. 12. Frost injury on fruits. 13. Internal water relations of trees. Glossary. References. Index.


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Physiology of Flowering Trees
1st ed.
viii+226p., Figs; Color Photographs; Tables.