A large number of Plant Diseases are known to be caused by my coplasma like organisms (MLO’s). Although association of MLO’s with plant diseases was first demonstrated in 1967so far no MLO from plants has been characterized due to which identify of MLO’s causing different diseases has remained uncertain. Recently, 3rd Regional Workshop on Plant Mycoplasma was organized at the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi. This workshop was held under the auspices of the committee on Science and Technology in Developing Countries, Asian Network of Biological Sciences and Indian National Science Academy. It was attended by a large number of distinguished scientists working on MLO diseases of plants in India and other countries. In this book some selected papers presented in the workshop have been included. These papers provide very useful information on the distribution and economic losses caused by various MLO diseases in different countries. Several papers deal with the latest developments in diagnosis and characterization of plant MLO’s. One paper also discuss techniques for the diagnosis of mycoplasma infections in man. Some important papers discuss epidemiology, transmission and control of MLO diseases in Plants. The articles provide an authoritative account of latest developments in the study of plant mycoplasmas which will be found very useful by the students. Teachers and research workers of plant pathology.
Handbook of General Microbiology
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