The present book entitled " Plant Ecology" has been written to fulfill the requirements of syllabi of all Indian Universities. The latest information available in book and research journals relevant to the theme of the book has been settled and written in a lucid style and is supported by illustrations. The basic nature of environment and its interrelation and interdependence to plants, men and animals are explained throughout. After reviewing the environmental issues and international attempts in its protection, the important components like water, air and soil are explained. Water shed management, cycling, water environment, water pollution and sewage treatments are described in detail. The section on air, atmospheric gases, polluting gases, their sources and impact on plant, animal and man. The ozone layer, its damages and global warming are described in details, soil as a factor of environment kinds and sources of soil pollution, soil erosion and its conservation are described in detail. Some chapters like group of plants, adaptation and life forms, dispersal and migration, natural distributions, distributions of crops, importance to mankind, environmental factors, vegetational types of temperate and adjacent lands, vegetational types of polar lands and high altitudes, vegetational types of tropical and adjacent lands are also described in detail.
Plant Ecology
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Plant Ecology
1st. ed.
Rajat Publications, 2008
viii+308p., 21 Figures
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