This volume is a collection of papers presented at a two-day seminar organized in 1991 in Hyderabad by Samvad, the Centre for Creative Dialogue. Samvad is concerned with the complex of dialogue in which implicit responses interact reflectively with social structures. To identify these responses in different areas is to discover the usable past in cultural streams like literature and religion
A study of the Indian poet-saints is an attempt in this direction. These poet-saints were great integrators responding to experience from the most earthy angle and integrators responding to experience from the most earthy angle and yet catching a glimpse of divinity in it. They wrestled with words only to discover the resultant distortion. In their awareness of the profanity masking the ultimate reality they sound a poignantly modern note.
The aim has been to cover as many linguistic group as possible so that a concerted, comprehensive picture emerges. There have been poet-saints in all parts of the country. When diverse forces are dividing the people in the name of religion, caste or region, the poet-saints continue to serve as a powerful integrating force. This is possibly their greatest contribution. Therefore, apart from providing intellectual stimulus, it is hoped that the essays in this volume will illumine and enrich our lives.
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