A model for political demography change in India is developed in this monograph. It is verily subject to empirical testing. "States" are used as units of analysis. The conclusion that emerges is that female literacy (education), economic development and urbanization are the key factors behind political demographic change in the sub-continent. The earlier part of the monography is an overview of the contribution of the Masters of political demography that include Kautilya, Mahatma Gandhi, Malthus and others. A bird’s view of Indian demography, sons of soil and other movements, politics of caste and reservation is also delineated. The model discussed is very general and is applicable to most of the developing countries. With some modifications, it can be applied to the western world as well. The book may be profitably used as a reference volume and text for advanced graduate courses in Population Studies, Political Science and Political Economy.
Political Demography of India: Determinants and Consequences
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Political Demography of India: Determinants and Consequences
1st ed.
xx+283p., Figures; Tables; Notes; References; Appendix; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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