Man has now realized the limitation and shortcomings of medicines developed by chemical processes as indicated by side and ill effects. Hence, the scope of medicinal plants and spices has widened for different systems of medicine. Besides domestication and cultivation technologies, economic parts of plants need to be processed at primary, secondary and tertiary channels. Such agroprocessing strategies are required for preparing medicines of Allopathy, Ayurveda, homeopathy, Unani and other systems of healing. Properly processed information have been included on different facets of biotherapeutics and pharmaceutical sciences. Post harvest management and technology of value addition, marketing and trade of medicinal plants and spices have been incorporated alongwith biodiversity and its conservation in lower as well as higher groups of medicinal plants. Roles of herbal ecofarming in societal welfare through cooperative movement in different parts of the nation and world has also been effectively included. Export potential and trade scenario of species and medicinal herbs has been adequately described alongwith its relationships with industry and WTO. Medicinal values of Indian food of plant origin has been especially highlighted alongwith nutrient management for propagation of medicinal plants and spices. The book will certainly be useful for herbal industrialists, progressive farmers, scholars, teachers and scientists of various disciplines including basic and applied botany, agriculture, forestry, horticulture, biotechnology, plant breeding, post harvest science and technology and pharmaceutical sciences.
Polytherapic Medicinal Plants and Spices : Post Harvest Management and Export Potential
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dhirendra Singh
Dr. Dhirendra Singh is Senior Assistant Professor in Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding at Rajasthan Agricultural University’s SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner. He is an active worker on seed spices and has made valuable contributions in varietal improvement of seed spices. He has published more than 40 research papers and review articles in journals of repute. He has guided several students for their PG thesis research.
Dr. Karan Singh is senior Professor of applied Pant Biology at A.R.S., Durgapura, Jaipur, a constituent campus of Rajasthan Agricultural University. He has contributed more than 100 research papers, review articles and is the author/editor of several scientific books in English and Hindi. He is member, fellow and office bearer of several academic/research societies. He has guided several scholars for Ph.D. degrees of various universities.
Dr. Mohan Lal Jakhar is Senior Assistant Professor of Genetics and Plant Breeding in Rajasthan Agricultural University, SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner. He has published more than 30 research papers and review articles in journals of repute and reference books. He has made remarkable contributions in establishing a herbal garden at Jobner and running a central sector scheme on medicinal and aromatic plants. He is life members of more than 10 research/academic societies. Besides this, he is also handling a research project on cultivation and processing of Aloe vera at Jobner.
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Polytherapic Medicinal Plants and Spices : Post Harvest Management and Export Potential
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Bibliographic information
Polytherapic Medicinal Plants and Spices : Post Harvest Management and Export Potential
1st ed.
xvi+416 p., 72 Colour Plates, 268 B/w Figures
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