Population Education is said to be the process of developing awareness and understanding of population situations as well as national attitudes and behaviour toward those situations for attainment of quality of life for the individual, the family, the community, the nation and the whole world, or population education can also be defined as the process of understanding population issues and enhancing the life skills for empowerment to improve the quality of life of self as well as that of the others at family level, community level, country level and world level. ‘Population Education as an educational innovation being experimented in India since early 70’s can play a potential role in addressing population problem. Over-population has been one of the burning problems in India. Efforts have been made by the government to solve the problem through various measures. Population control the freedom of choice has to be left to individuals. There is only one acceptable way to slow down population growth and that is through freedom of choice. That means paying close attention to individual needs, reproductive health, education and equality between women and men. The economic justification for birth control emphasised enlightened self-interest as the stimulus that would in time bring families and nation to lower fertility. Ecological justification almost demanded individual birth control for good of society. Population explosion, mortality role of government, birth control, ecology, equality, ethics, nutrition status are extensively discussed in the present volume.
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