Population, Environment and Health: Emerging Issues

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This book explores broad understanding of dynamic and complex interlinkages between population, environment and health, specially in Indian context. The impacts of human activities on environment and implications of the emerging concerns for human health, quality of life, social welfare and sustainable development are analysed. Twenty papers, authored by the scholars belonging to multiple disciplines, are thematically arranged under four parts, viz., conceptual aspects, population issues, environmental concerns and health dimensions. It is clearly noted that the contemporary resource destructive growth process and dominant development paradigm are responsible for posing a major threat to the ‘web of life’ on earth and our survival today. As such, the major challenge before the humanity is to get rid of it and evolve a people-centred and environment friendly development process. India needs dymystification, democratization and decentralization of its growth and governance structures, remain dedicated to ensure a life of dignity and security to its billion-plus people, improve their health status and the country’s environmental quality. The book promises to be of immense help to all concerned scholars, policymakers, students, social/environmental activists and citizens.


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Population, Environment and Health: Emerging Issues
1st ed.