Porphyra: Harvesting Gold from the Sea

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The intent of this book is to offer a primer to any individual, family, village cooperative, NGO, state, federal funding agency, or corporation that wishes to introduce Porphyra, (know as Nori in Japan) farming as a socio-economic development driving force. This effort is not intended to be a text book on Porphyra biology but a reference tool for nori cultivation from the conchocelis culture system through blade harvest and primary processing. Our hope is to provide aquaculture extension agents a teaching guide for nori cultivation. This guide will provide step by step instruction for the assembly of a nori production system, care, maintenance, harvesting, and preservation.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dinabandhu Sahoo

Dr. Dinabandhu Sahoo obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from University of Delhi. He is actively engaged in research in the field of seaweeds since 1983. He was the first Indian student to visit Antartica during 1987-88 in the 7th Indian Scientific Expendition to Antartica.


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Porphyra: Harvesting Gold from the Sea
1st ed.
92p., Maps; Illustrations; Figures; Index; 29cm.