Positive Thoughts Positive Action

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Positive Thoughts Positive Action by Drs. Arnold and Barry Fox can stand alone or be read as the sequel to their co-authored book The Miracle of Positive Thinking. Both books focus on living a positive lifestyle by using action oriented strategies that assist a person in seeing the abundant side of life. Critics insist that these ideas do not work, but the Fox family is proof that what you focus on you become. After you read the heartfelt stories that fill the book, you can decide whether or not this is how you want to live your life. In reading this book, I was especially taken with the story of Sally, a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps, who insisted upon keeping a lit candle on her nightstand while she was in the hospital dying of cancer. When asked to explain why this was so important to her, she retold the story of how she managed to stay alive in the camp by completing a ritual with an imaginary candle and saying to herself, "Light always shines in the darkness." This small amount of positive autosuggestion enabled her to survive the concentration camp and now she believed that the real candle was going to assist her in outliving the cancer. Her small action of lighting a tiny candle and keeping it burning on her nightstand changed her world on the outside, but more importantly it changed her inner world as well. Positive beliefs followed by positive actions create positive results.


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Positive Thoughts Positive Action
1st ed.