India is renowned for its rich diversity in horticultural crops. Though India ranks first as producer of fruits and second in vegetables in the world, our share in world market is not significant. Therefore strategic measures have to be taken to reduce post harvest losses of agricultural commodities produced in developing countries like India and to boost the processing sector to provide better returns to farmers… Post harvest technology assumes great attention during recent years since preservation of agricultural produce is a basic necessity to sustain agricultural production. It helps to add value of produce, thus having great scope for employment generation at the production catchment. In this book, the authors have attempted to consolidate different methods of post harvest technology of fruits and vegetables focusing on recent advances. This book will benefit both practicing food technologies/post harvest technologists who are searching for answers to critical technical questions, and graduate students who are acquainting themselves with principles of post harvest technology. Further, it will be useful to agricultural engineers, food processors, food scientists, researches and progressive farmers and to those who are working in relevant fields. It is intended to fill a gap in presently available post harvest technology literature.
Post Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops
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Prof. K.V. Peter , Ph.D, is Former VC of KAU in Trichur, India and Coordinator of the Department of Biotechnology (GOI) funded projects on plantation crops and spices. Prof. Peter is a horticulturist, a plant breeder and an acknowledged research manager. He is the former Director for the Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut (ICAR) and former Professor and Director of Research, KAU. Professor Peter is the editor of seven books and author or co-author of thirteen books/bulletins and 132 research papers. The ICAR conferred on Prof. Peter the Rafi Ahamed Kidwai Prize, the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences awarded the Recognition Award 1999 for contributions to crop improvement, and the University of Agricultural Sciences conferred the M.H. Marygowda Award for being the Best Horticultural Scientist. Prof. Peter is the Elected Fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences.
Dr. K.P. Sudheer obtained his B. Tech, Agricultural Engineering degree from Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Kerala Agricultural University in 1993, M. Tech in Agricultural Processing from College of Agricultural Engineering, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, in 1996 and Ph.D. (Agricultural Processing and Structures) from IARI, New Delhi, in 2000. Dr. Sudheer started his career as Scientists, in Agro Processing Division, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, in 1998. He is presently holding the faculty position in the Department of Post Harvest Technology and Agricultural processing, KCAET, Tavanur, KAU, Kerala. Dr. Sudheer is actively involved in teaching various subjects for B. Tech. (Agricultural Engineering), M. Tech. and M.Sc. courses and research programmes under AICRP on Post Harvest Technology. He has 40 research papers in national and international reputed journals and proceedings of seminars. He authored two textbooks and many bulletins in the field of Post Harvest Technology. He is a life member of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers, Association of Food Scientists and Technologists, and Institution of Engineers.
Dr. V. Indira, took her Master's degree in Foods and Nutrition from Sri. Avinashilingam Home Science College for Women Coimbatore in 1978. She joined KAU as Junior Assistant Professor of Nutrition in the Department of Processing Technology, College of Horticulture in 1979. In 1993, she took her Ph.D. in Foods and Nutrition from KAU. Presently she is working as Associate professor in the Department of Home science, College of Horticulture and heading the department from 1996 onwards. Dr. Indira, has extensive teaching, research and extension experience in KAU. She is teaching UG courses for Agriculture, Dairy Science and Technology and M.Sc. and Ph.D. students of Home Science Department. She implemented two externally aided projects and guided one Ph.D. and 19 M. Sc. students as major advisor. She organized various training programme in fruit and vegetable preservation. She has in her credit about 25 research publication and many bulletins.
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Post Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops
1st ed.
xxiv+291p., Tables; Figures; Appendices; Glossary; References; Index; 26cm.
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