ABOUT THE AUTHOR Abhijit V Banerjee
Abhijit Banerjee is the Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics at MIT. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Econometric Society and has been a Guggenheim Fellow. He has also received the inaugural Infosys Prize (2009) in Social Sciences and Economics.
Pranab Bardhan is Professor of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley, and co-chair of the MacArthur Foundation-funded Network on the Effects of Inequality on Economic Performance. He has done theoretical and field research on rural institutions in poor countries, political economy of development policies, and international trade. He was chief Editor, Journal of Development Economics, 1985-2003. His books include Poverty, Agrarian Structure, and Political Economy in India: Selected Essays, 2003; Development Microeconomics, 1999.
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