The book in about the situation of urban poor of seven class-1 cities of the state of Orrisa-the most backward state as far as poverty is concerned in India. No such work related to urban poverty is done so far in such detailed manner. The book gives an idea about the present situation. Definition and different aspects of urban poor in general and urban poverty in particular. The situational analysis of seven class-1 towns of Orrisa which occupy more than 70percent of the urban poor in the state has been analysed takig into consideration of physical and cultural aspects to the slums, age structure, sex ratio, educational level, economic factors, migration and also non-economic parameters. All the analysis of and statistical package. The centrally and state sponsored Urban Anti-Poverty Programmes have been discussed with respect to the perceptions and response urban poor for these programmes in different towns. The future planning of urban poor has been analysed in detailed using various GIS package which give rise to socio-economic planning, physical planning and environmental planning of urban poor. These effective plans and programmes will definitely improve the slum conditions not remove the slum and to attack poverty but not to poor. This book is the outcome of Primary work done in the slums of Orrisa and the slum dwellers are the primary stakeholders of this book. It is useful for researchers, planners and administrators and who work for urban poor. As the book appears during 20th century, when the urban poverty is the priority for Government. It is hoped that it will draw attention from international audience and will receive wide recognigion.
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