Principles and Issues in Modern Journalism

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Journalism is a profession related with the dissemination of news and views and as such journalists should work out of motivation and idealism for the truth, and journalism ethics should be about aspirations and goals rather than minimum standards. The difficulty is that ethical journalists first need to be moral journalists; and to be moral journalists they must first believe in some kind of overriding of conduct and belief. Professional ethics should make all aware of the need for aspirations and principles rather than rules. Journalism ethics and standards include principles of ethics and of good practice to address the specific challenges faced by professional journalists. These principles are most widely known to journalists as their professional code of ethics of the canons of journalism. By emphasizing the importance of personal integrity and collective concern for serving the public’s right to know the result will be a cohort of journalists who will actively seek the best possible journalism. This book analyses various principles and issues of modern journalism. It is designed for students and professionals of journalism and mass communication.


Upendra Verma, hold an MA in Political science and a diploma in journalism and mass communication. He is a freelance write. He frequently writes in different magazines and newspapers. He has visited many western countries including USA, Canada and U.K. He has very wide experience in journalism and communication. He has contributed a large number of articles of various reputed journals. He has quite often been felicitated for his contribution in active and purposeful journalism. Verma has been nominated to many advisory committees by many universities.


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Principles and Issues in Modern Journalism
1st ed.
viii+275p., Index; 23cm.