In civil Engineering practice, engineering geology plays a vital role. For an efficient and appropriate judgement in the analysis and analysis and execution of any project, is extremely essential not only to have a basic understanding of the geological processes and products at the site to select the best site based on an integrated site evaluation approach but also for the ground reinforcement at the site to with and the constructions whether it be dam, tunnel, transportation routes in problematic, watershed management and groundwater development are primarily based on the site geology and aquifer evolution. Thus Engineering Geology is an interface area of Civil Engineering and Geology. It has gained acceptability world over as a branch of Civil Engineering. Keeping this in mind, the present book is designed by the author based on his vast experience spanning about decades, as a basic first course, in particular, to the students of Civil Engineering. The contents of the book are dealt under eleven chapters. The first four chapters deal with the Geological Processes and Products with an emphasis on Civil Engineering needs. The next seven chapters deal with geological considerations in site evaluation, ground improvement, effect of geological features on the choice and construction methodology, groundwater hydrogeology, prevention or protection from geological hazards and role of geology in the environmental problems. At every stage in the book enough Indian examples are cited to enable a good comprehension of the subject by the reader. In addition, material useful for the reader but does not find a place in the main text is provided in Annexures 1 and 2. Annexure 3 contains review questions on each chapter, useful for self-evaluation of the students’ understanding.
Principles of Engineering Geology
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Prof. K.V.G.K. Gokhale after obtaining his undergraduate and postgraduate education at I.I.T. (Khargpur), Prof Gokhale was on the teaching faculty at I.I.T., Kharagpur (1958-1966) and at I.I.T., Janpur (1966-1996) where he was also the Head of the Department of Civil Engineering for few years. He was Emeritus professor at I.I.T., Kanpur (1996-1998) and has been a Visitng Professor in R.E.C. (now N.I.T.) in Himachal Pradesh. Earlier, he was also a Visiting Professor at the Asian Institute of technology (AIT), Bangkok. Since 1998, he has been a I.S.T.E. Visiting Professor. Prof. Gokhale has authored numerous research publications at National and International levels and also two books. He has supervised several and Ph.D. theses of students in the areas of Engineering geology, Geotechnical Engineering, Water resources Engineering, remote Sensing & Geoinformatics, Chemical Engineering and in Materials science. He was a recipient of the prestigious awards Including the National Mineral Award (1978) of Govt. of India, Deokaran Award (1977) of Indian Ceramic Society and the Coggin Brown Memorial Gold Medal (1982) of the Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India of this outstanding contributions. He is life Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India), Life Fellow of the Indian Geotechnical Society, Life Fellow of the Clay Mineral Society of India and member, Indian Society of Technical Education. He has been a member on the Geological Programming Board (U.P.) for over 25 years.
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Principles of Engineering Geology
1st ed.
x+268p., Tables; Figures; Appendices; Bibliography; Index; 25cm.
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