A mounting pressure of population is there on agriculture and the same may be lightened by labour-intensive industries to a great extent. Poultry industry in nature is a labour intensive industry and may contribute significantly on this front. Poultry industry provides employment to a person throughout the year on an even basis, whereas agriculture is itself a case of disguised unemployment. With a view to generating enormous employment opportunities and removing the incidence of poverty amongst the rural folk, poultry farming should be encouraged more and more and given an added significance with all the schemes for rural development. For developing rural India more and more stress be laid on the development of poultry industry along with dairying on scientific lines for ensuring adequate earning to the rural poor. The poultry has not been taken up as a lucrative industry whereas, if taken up on sound economic lines, the poultry industry would brighten the chances of employment generation and income earning possibilities. More stress should be laid on the development of poultry industry with dairying for ensuring a planned economic development.
Production and Marketing of Poultry Products in India: A Case Study
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Production and Marketing of Poultry Products in India: A Case Study
1st ed.
viii+280p., Tables; Appendices; Index; 22cm
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