Array of spices and plantation crops are grown under varied agroclimatic conditions in India. They earn a sizeable foreign exchange to India. Research and development on various spices and plantation crops have made rapid stride throughout the country. Organisations like ICAR, UPASI, Coffee Board, Tea Board, Spices Board, Rubber Board, etc have undertaken research on their relevant crops and made notable research achievements and new technologies to increase the productivity of these crops. But still we have to go a long way to compete with other countries in the international market to sell our products at competitive rates. This book "Production Technology of Spices and Plantation Crops," consists of two parts. First part deals with the spices (18 chapters) and the second part deals with the Plantation crops (12 chapters). These crops are dealt with elaborately comprising all aspects of cultivation including production, protection, marketing and processing. Information on these aspects have been gathered from various sources from the reports of many research stations, ICAR-All India Coordinated Research Projects, Reports of the statutory bodies and private organisations, Agricultural Universities and Agricultural Colleges and ICAR-Research Institutes. It is felt that this is a very important and valuable compendium to those who are interested in these crops, particularly to the research scientists, teachers, extension workers, students of various Agricultural Universities and Agricultural Colleges and the growers.
Grape Cultivation and Processing
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