Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: The New Dynamics of International Relations

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Surya Narain Yadav

Dr. Surya Narain Yadav is an eminent political scientist specialising on India's foreign policy, with a particular focus on bilateral relations. The role of globalisation in the determination and operation of foreign policy, especially with regard to regional organisations and international institutions is his special field of investigation. The author visited Portugal (Europe) in 2001, and Uganda (Africa) in 1999 and 2000 for undertaking academic and research assignements. His prominent publications include, India-Uganda Relations: A New Model for South- South Cooperation; India's Foreign Policy: Opportunities and Obstacles in the Post-Cold War Era. He has written over 10 books. The author was nominated for the Chinese government fellowship, a joint research programme by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (Government of India) and the Government of the People's Republic of China in the year 2001.


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Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: The New Dynamics of International Relations
1st ed.
x+285p., 23cm.