Prometheus Unbound: Short Stories by Samaresh Basu

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Arguably one of the most powerful and versatile prose writers that Bengal has produced, Samaresh Basu was a controversial writer during his lifetime: highly praised by a section of society, and vilified for ‘obscenity’ by another. Called the Prince of Bengali literature, Samaresh Basu, in his writing, explored relationships and the sub-conscious desires that drove people with dramatic density, lyricism and vividness. Included in this volume are translations of a collection of carefully chosen stories illustrating some of his principal themes, including famous stories such as ‘Pari’ (The Crossing’) and ‘Uratiya’ (The Wrestlers’) on which the well-known and award-winning films Paar (directed by Gautam Ghosh) and Uttara (directed by Buddhdeb Dasgupta) were based.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sudipto Roy Choudhury

Sudipto Roy Choudhury is a Mathematical Physicist at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, US. He has written book and film reviews, as well as articles for Asian Affairs, World Literature Today, Statesman and Hindu.


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Prometheus Unbound: Short Stories by Samaresh Basu
1st ed.
196p., 20cm.