Prospects for Integrated Environmental Policy

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This book visualizes the prospects for integrated environmental policy in the world. It explores the possible ways to identify a comparative view of environmental policies in various countries. Over the years the developed countries of the West have been able to devise integrated environmental policies due to the availability of sufficient resources in the developed world and due to which it has been possible to conduct research in the environmental field. The various organs of the Governments co-operate and co-ordinate in identifying environmental policies and to take follow up action in the field of environmental policies. It is unfortunate that the developing world including India has not been able to devise proper environmental policies so far and as a result of that they are facing several environmental problems. It is high time that the developing world also acquires mechanism of controlling the environment properly.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Chandrashekhar T.

Chandrashekhar T. did his graduation from M.D.S. University, Ajmer. He has Coordinator of World Bank Project IPP (IX) in Rajasthan. His fields of interest are NGOs and he is specialized in environmental studies. Presently he is working for Lift Irrigation Scheme in Chambal. He is also Master Trainer of Total Sanitation Campaign in Rajasthan. he is also Activist of Institute of Integrated Community Development and Environmental Protection, Jaipur.


S. Gaur obtained his M.A. degree from Rajasthan University, Jaipur. He also did his diploma course in Journalism and Mass Communication from Kota Open University, Kota. He is a freelance writer. He frequently writes in different magazines and newspapers both on topical issues as well as on environment. He has contributed a large number of articles to various reputed journals and has authored many books. He has been honoured with many awards. His books have been welcomed by the educational community in India. At present he is Bureau Chief, Rajasthan in SI News Channel.


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Prospects for Integrated Environmental Policy
1st ed.
viii+286p., Tables; 23cm.