In every country to day, the significance and relevance of quality management have been realized and all of them are striving towards it in some form or the other. Quality Management does not merely mean good management of the product concerned but all around extensive quality management which satisfies the producer, the employee and the consumer. This book demonstrates the relevance of quality management through quality circles for increased productivity, growth and employee satisfaction. The basic philosophy of quality circle is valid for all cultures and no country whether developed or developing should be denied this. An attempt has been made to evolve our own Indian Model which can successfully be implemented in our own environment with varied traditions and culture. A unique feature of this book is the practical implementation of quality management programmes in our own economy. Units which have written off Quality Circles as a failure to achieve total quality Management can now, with the implementation of this new model hope to successfully revise its operations. The basic emphasis is on democratic participation in the real sense and that is the key to success. This book will be useful to the manufacturing units as well as in the services sector particularly banking and insurance. This will also be useful as a reference book for research scholars, and students of management studies both at graduate and post-graduate level. In addition, it gives an insight about the implementation of quality circles in India to scholars and practitioners abroad.
Quality Management Through Quality Circles: An Indian Model
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Quality Management Through Quality Circles: An Indian Model
1st ed.
x+110p., Figures; Tables; Appendix; Bibliography; Index; 22cm.
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