Women all over the world make tremendous contributions towards society by bearing the triple burden of productive, reproductive as well as household work. In the rural areas, the contribution of women to productive activities which bring economic gains to the family is immense but often unrecognized. It is well documented that women in India contribute more than one half of the labour towards agricultural activities. They also make very significant contributions towards animal husbandry. Since they are the pivot point around whom the family life revolves, the overall quality of life enjoyed by them is extremely important for the welfare of the family. An improvement in the quality of life of women would not only help in developing the vital human resource but also further the objective of national development. The quality of life of women is determined by the interplay of variety of factors operating in the socio-economic and cultural set up of the family and community. These are the quality of household environment, the standard of living of families, status of women within the family, community and society, productive participation of women in the economic activities and consequently an improved pattern of time utilization. During the last three decades, there has been an influx of modern agricultural technology in agriculture, also referred to as the green revolution. This has generally resulted in increased agricultural production and income. The present study sharply focuses on the quality of life enjoyed by the rural women who work on farm, look after animals, and also do the household chores for the family. It is hoped that this book will be useful to all related with the studies on the working women.
Quality of Life of Farm women
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Quality of Life of Farm women
1st Ed.
x+230P., Tables; Figures; Bibliography; Appendices; 23cm
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