Ramayana- International Perspective

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Lallan Prasad Vyas

Lallan Prasad Vyas, Editor of the International Hindi Magazine 'Vishwa Hindi Darshan' is the author of 12 books in Hindi. He founded "Vishwa Sahitya Sanskriti Sansthan" in 1983 and as Secretary General, organised first International Ramayana Conference under its banner in 1984 at various holy Ramayana places in India followed by thirteen other such Conferences in eleven countries of the world. The countries included Thailand, Canada, Nepal, Mauritius, surinam, Belgium, Indonesia, Holland, China and U.S.A. -That means fourteen global Ramayana Conferences were held in a short span of only 13 years. It is still a continuing process. He also organised the first World Hindi convention at Nagpur (1975) and second in Mauritius (1976) as Assistant Secretary. he organised firstever International Conference on 'Ramayana in Asia'. in January 1971 in New Delhi as Secretary General. He has travelled round the world several times. He is editor of two famous english books- "The Ramayana: global View" and "Ramayana: Its Universal Appeal and Global Role". He has written hundreds of articles on literature, culture and international poiltics published in India and abroad. He has been interviewed on Radio and T.V. networks of India and other world countries. He has also editied dozens of souvenir-volumes in Hindi and English publisehd on the occasions of variuos global literary and cultural conferences in India and other countries.


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Ramayana- International Perspective
1st Ed.

