Rasa-Jala-Nidhi or Ocean of Indian Chemistry, Medicine & Alchemy (In 5 Volumes)

Kashi Ayurveda Series

Book: 15

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In recent times, some Allopaths, a few of whom are very good scholars too, have taken to the practice of indigenous system of medicines, but, unfortunately, they have not yet come to be aware of the fact that the greater portion of Ayurveda, which deals with chemistry and Alchemy, has for the several centuries past, been a terra incognita to that class of physicians from whom they had to receive their training. They have not yet ben aware of the fact that the ancient glory and greatness of Ayurveda was due neither to its progress in Surgery, Anatomy, etc. as taught by Sushruta, etc. – which these well-meaning physicians have been trying to revive, by the introduction of western methods, where necessary, – nor to the excellence of herbal drugs, as taught by Charaka, etc. But to the exceptional and unique progress which Ayurveda made in the region of Medical Chemistry…. There were four different schools of treatment of diseases in ancient India, viz., treatments (1) by rasa, i.e., mercury and other metals, (2) by herbs and vegetable drugs, (3) by charms, incantations, etc., and (4) by surgical instruments. These four different kinds of medical systems were cultivated, side by side, from time out of memory, by different classes of people. Of these, it was believed that the first system was of divine origin, the second and third of human origin, and the fourth of demoniac or barbarous origin.


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Rasa-Jala-Nidhi or Ocean of Indian Chemistry, Medicine & Alchemy (In 5 Volumes)
Kashi Ayurveda Series
4th ed.
xxx+355p.,xxiii+323p., xxii+390p., xx+430p., xlviii+350p., Appendix; Glossary; 23cm.bh