Ayurveda the ‘Scince of Life’ is eternal is its scope and progressive in its outlook towards the concept of longevity. The beautiful concept of ‘Rasayna Therapy’ aims at rejuvenation, immunomodulation and also geriatric care. It is of great relevance today in a society which is stressed, unhealthy and has compromised immune system. Our ancient seers recognised the importance of this ‘Rasayana Therapy’ and it is thus included in main eight branches of Ayurveda. It has a multidimensional approach to provide physical, social and psychological support. It gives measures by which age related changes can be prevented and good quality of life can be maintained as long as possible.
This book describes in detail the various ‘Rasayana Yogas’ scattered in various Ayurvedic texts. Effect of various minerals, metals, gems, single herbs used for Rasayana are being collected together. Two separate chapters of ‘Rasayana and immunity’ and ‘Rasayana as antioxidants’ are also included which will surely benefit Ayurvedic students, teachers and research workers.
I am grateful to all my teachers for giving me insight into the concept of Rasayana. I am also indebited to my parents and sons Vaibhav yadav and Prabhav yadav for their cooperation which helped me to write this book. Last but not the least I am thankful to Chaukhambha Orientalia and especially thankful to Sh. Brajpal Das Gupta & Sh. Ajay Gupta for taking up the work of publication of my book and taking keen interest in its completion.
Bibliographic information
Rasayana & Ageing
Kashi Ayurveda Series
Kashi Ayurveda Series
1st ed.
Chaukhambha Publishers, 2009
viii+220p., Refernces; 22cm.
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