Introduction/Harsh Gupta and Fareeduddin. 1. The origin and evolution of the moon in a planetary context/Stuart Ross Taylor. 2. Lunar regolith and Low-Ti Mare simulants JSC-1 and JSC-1A/James L. Carter. 3. Catastrophes, extinctions and evolution: 50 years of impact cratering studies/W. Uwe Reimold and Christian Koeberal. 4. Dharwar craton: an example of Archaean geodynamics/S.M. Naqvi. 5. Petroliferous basins of India-fifty years’ history and perspective/S.K. Biswas. 6. Geodynamic evolution of the Indian plate: consequences for dispersal and distribution of Biota/Ashok Sahni and G.V.R. Prasad. 7. Active tectonic of the Himalaya/V.C. Thakur. 8. Late quaternary evolution of the Ganga plains: myths and misconceptions, recent developments and future directions/S.K. Tandon, R. Sinha, M.R. Gibling, A.S. Dasgupta and Parvez Ghazanfari. 9. Deep seismic imaging of Indian continental crust and lithosphere/Harish C. Tewari. 10. Gravity studies in India and their geological significance/D.C. Mishra, V.M. Tiwari and B. Singh. 11. Major and great earthquakes and seismic gaps in the Himalayan arc/V.K. Gahalaut. 12. Artificial water reservoir triggered earthquakes, with special emphasis on Koyna earthquakes, India/Harsh Gupta. 13. Advances in Kimberlite geology and petrology South India/Roger H. Mitchell. 14. Recent advances in observing the Earth from space/Anny Cazenave. 15. Evolution, paleogeography and sediment provenance, Bay of Bengal Indian Ocean/Joseph R. Curray and Ruth Allen. 16. Antarctic Earth science–Indian effort/Rasik Ravindra. 17. Indian ocean drilling program/Manik Talwani. 18. Cosmogenic nuclides in the environment: a brief review of their applications/S. Krishnaswami and D. Lal. 19. Vagaries of the Indian summer monsoon/Sulochana Gadgil. 20. Population growth and climate change: their impact on planet Earth and its human societies/G. De Marsily. 21. Selected advances in geology and the Indian scenario/Balaram Chattopadhyay. List of contributors.
Recent Advances in Earth System Sciences
Golden Jubilee Memoir of The Geological Society of India
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Recent Advances in Earth System Sciences
Golden Jubilee Memoir of The Geological Society of India
Golden Jubilee Memoir of The Geological Society of India
1st ed.
8185867830, 9788185867830
vi+674p.,Tables; Maps; 227 Figures; References; 26cm. .
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