Reconciling Work and Family Responsibilities: Practical Ideas from Global Experience

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This book presents concrete examples of what is being done in countries, communities and enterprises around the world in order to help workers to be better able to reconcile work and family responsibilities such as caring for children and the elderly. The examples provide useful ideas for action by governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations as well as concerned civil society organizations. Looking at evidence from a variety of countries, the volume first considers the social and economic reasons why intervention to reduce work-family conflict is in the interests of governments and the social partners. It then goes on to consider the wide range of polices at national and community level which can help reduce work-family conflict, highlighting the role of government in setting the legislative and policy framework and in stimulating dialogue. A separate chapter is devoted to policies and practices for a family-friendly workplace. Extensive information is provided on different kinds of care arrangements that have been used to help those with responsibility for children, the elderly, the sick and the handicapped to combine work with their caring responsibilities. Family-friendly working conditions are also considered, in particular various types of leave entitlements, such as maternity leave, paternity leave and carer’s leave, as well as arrangements related to working time and place such as flexible work schedules, part-time work and teleworking.


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Reconciling Work and Family Responsibilities: Practical Ideas from Global Experience
1st ed.
xv+207p., Tables; Figures; Bibliography; Index; 25cm.