Contents: Preface. 1. Intellectual property rights: (Conventional development and inalienable rights)/S.R. Shukla. 2. Hart’s concept of the law and justice/Martand Singh. 3. The Parliamentary privileges and the Court: (Under Indian Constitution)/J.P. Shukla. 4. Judicial review of the application of article 356: (Nature and scope of article 356)/V. Kr. Srivastava. 5. Theory of justice comparative and non comparative/Ashish Kr. Pathak. 6. Privatization in higher education: (Holistic and skill development)/Ashwini Kr. Patra. 7. The election reforms in India (Grounds for disqualification)/S.K. Pradhan. 8. Remedies for environmental victims: (An analytical studies)/R.S. Tomar. 9. Patent systems and invention: formalities and obligations/Anil Kr. Chourasia. 10. The Madrid agreement and International registration (wipo, marks and Madrid system)/Rakesh Shukla. 11. The nice Union and the Madrid agreement: (International Conference and marks)/Rakesh Kr. Shukla. 12. New approach of ADR/Ashish Tripathi. 13. Delegated legislation and welfare state/Sudhakar Dwivedi. 14. Global warning and emissions/Yogendra Prasad. 15. Arbitration is a new arbitral tribunal/Yogesh Agrawal. 16. Criminal justice administration system: (challenges and responses)/R.R. Kushumha. 17. Hart’s law and legal morality: (primary and secondary rules)/Ram Kr. Singh. 18. Judicial and legislative interpretation of equality: (creamy layer, appointment and employment)/Yogendra Prasad. 19. Legal development of right to equality: (under Indian Constitution)/P.K. Shukla. 20. Constitutional provisions for appointment and employment : (As a fundamental right in Indian Constitution/Milendra Singh. 21. Spirit of right to equality and its interpretation: (A Judicial approach)/M.S. Pathak. 23. Equality as a dynamic concept for equal justice: (Under Indian Constitution)/R.M. Mishra.
Social Thought and Indian Social System: A Sociological Perspective
Meant as a textbook for the ...
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