Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration

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Prompted by the uncertain outcome of the GATT/Uruguay Round negotiations, regional agreements mushroomed in different parts of the world. The collapse of the Soviet Union gave a renewed impulse to economic interactions at the expense of political and strategic preoccupations. Inter-regional co-operation reduces economic and social fragmentation created by national frontiers and hence facilitates integrated development of the participating states. In Africa, as in other parts of the world, regional co-operation in a major factor in internal and international politics. This book focuses on the regional co-operation efforts in the three continents of the world, viz. Africa, Asia and Europe and their role in promoting and strengthening African Capacities. It examines various dimensions of regional co-operation with focus on bilateral relations between a community of highly developed states (European Union) and group of developing countries, viz. COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa). The latter part of the book focuses on inter-regional co-operation between South Asian countries, particularly India, and COMESA. These two regions of the world share a common colonial legacy and are striving to improve the socio-economic conditions of their people. Inter-regional cooperation of their people. Inter-regional cooperation and integration is a vital necessity in a world witnessing trade liberalization, foreign investments and reduced role of governments in economic affairs.


Sonu Trivedi is a Research Associate at the Centre for Policy Research (CPR), Chanakyapuri, New Delhi. She Specialises in regional economic cooperation in Africa and Southeast Asia. She has to her credit a number of articles published in reputed journals. Her recent works include A Handbook of International Organisations. Currently, she is working on a project titled Challenges of Multilateralism in the World Economy.


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Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration
1st ed.
xv+377p., Tables; Notes; Appendices; Bibliography; Index; 22cm.