If open world trading system continues to be the ultimate goal, then several important questions come up-whether the rise of Regional Trading Arrangements (RTAs) should be welcomed as a step on the road that will ultimately reinforce global free trade or whether regional trading blocks should be condemned as institutions that undermine the multilateral system. Despite GATT requirement that all trade arrangements must submit to a review, no existing arrangement has ever satisfied requirements of Article 24, nor has any existing arrangement been outlawed due to such failure. If the GATT continues to review poor countries’ regional arrangements against the same standard as was applied to those of the past, then the GATT will remain a vehicle for the LDS’s to avoid policy reform and not a vehicle to advance that reform. The RTAs that divert trade away from the rest of the world are likely to be supported politically and also such RTAs will reduce the incentives for multilateral liberalization. The RTAs in the developed countries initially contributed to an increase in into-regional trade but the recent evidence is less conclusive. This volume brings together recent work relating to following issues of regional trading arrangements: 1. Regionalism Versus Multilateralism; 2. Regionalism and Trade Protection; 3. Regional Trading Arrangements (RTAs) and the Outsiders; 4. Political Economy Aaluysis off RTAs; 5. European Union and the Americas; 6. New Regionalism and the Mercosur; 7. Asian “Open Regionalism’ Versus the RTAs; 8. The APEC and Europe; 9. ASEAN, NAFATA and Japanese Diplomacy; 10. Globalisation Versus Agglomeration. This series is dedicated to Raul Prebisch who underlined the dynamics of the world economy and the interdependence between the industrial countries of the North and the LDCs of the South.
Regional Trading Arrangements (In 3 Parts)
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Neelambar Hatti
Neelambar Hatti is mainly involved in research at the Department of Economic History, University of Lund, Sweden. Dr. Hatti has written extensively on Trade, Aid and Rural Development, and Microdemography. He has also taught at the University of Copenhagen and has been a visiting Senior Fellow at the Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies. He has recently authored (with Rameshwar Tandon) the study, Exports and Development: The Indian Experience.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rameshwar Tandon
Rameshwar Tandon works at the International Institute for Special Education, Lucknow. For the last three decades, he worked with Prof. VKRV Rao at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore. He is author-editor of numerous books and articles, most recently, Exports and Development: The Indian Experience (jointly with Prof. Neelambar Hatti)
Sir Hans Singer is Emeritus Professor of the University of Sussex and a Fellow of the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex since 1969. Previously he served in the United Nations Secretariat for over 20 eyars and held a number of academic and civil service posts. He is the author of numerous books and articles, most recently The Foreign Aid Business (jointly with K. Raffer).
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Regional Trading Arrangements (In 3 Parts)
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Regional Trading Arrangements (In 3 Parts)
1st ed.
xviii+554p., viii+554-1132p., viii+1133-1622p., Figures; Tables; Index; 23cm.
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