All religious book and preachings of various saints and sages of India and the world like Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira, Lord Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad, Guru Nanak Dev etc. have given similar message of universal love, brotherhood and peace for the upliftment of mankind. Undoubtedly, the religion has an important place in human life and it joins the heart to hearts; it inspires the people to lead an ideal and peaceful life. All Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs offer prayer to one and the same God for bestowing love, peace, unity and prosperity. Thus, all religious communities are equal and sacred and everybody should pay respect to all other communities and should refrain from criticism. Also, it is the need of the hour that the people should fellow the path of religion and lead an ideal and peacefull life based on universal love, brotherhood and unity. This book, Religion and World Peace’, by universally renowned scholar Dr. Ravindra Kumar is a remarkable and most valuable work on philosophy, religion and spirituality,. The author has endeavoured of religion and high human values that are necessary for world peace.
Religion and World Peace
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Dr. Ravindra Kumar (b. 1959) is an Eminent Scholar, Writer and Indologist. He is the former Vice-Chancellor of C.C.S. University, Meerut (India). Dr. Ravinra Kumar has been closely associated with a number of academic, cultural, educational and social institutions in India and abroad. He has 50 outstanding works and 150 research articles to his credit. Some of his famous works, of which many are of international repute and have been translated in several Indian and foreign languages, viz.., Towards Peace Vol. I and II, Morality and Ethics in Public Life, Religion and World Peace, Lilfe and work of Kanjibhai Desai, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Com. Mao Tse-Tung: A Comparative Study with Reference to Peasantry, Essays on Gandhism and Peace, Correspondence and Selected Documents of Subhas Chandra Bose, Collected Essays: Voice of an Indologist, Sagai Ka Din and Kulpati Kaksha Tak. He is the founder of the World Peace Movement Trust, a member of I.C.P.A., Executive Councils / Senates of several Indian Universities and a Consultant of UN University of Peace for Gandhian Studies. He has visited many countries of the world as a Visiting Scholar and Professor. The President of India has conferred the honour of 'Padma Shri' upon Dr. Kumar for his outstanding services.
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Bibliographic information
Religion and World Peace
1st ed.
xvi+124p., References; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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