There is perfect relationship between energy, ecology and environment. If a proper balance is maintained among these three aspects than sustainable development for the welfare of human beings is obtained. This book has been written with a view to draw attention for integration of renewable energy in all sectors for sustainable development. The aim of this book is to examine the range of views related to renewable energy sources for sustainable and their implications. The authors have simplified and clarified renewable energy technologies and new theories for a sustainable development. Sustainable development has been characterized by an emphasis on environmental issues and its inter-relationship with renewable energy sources. In present context there is a need to develop an approach to structure the subject which hinders the development of knowledge in a systematic way. The built environment contributes significantly to the society and thus development in holistic manner. Integration of renewable energy sources is one of the major factors in determining whether a community is sustainable in the longer term or not. In this book, emphasis has been made on various aspects of energy planning such as energy assessment, energy integration, energy forecasting, energy modeling, computer modeling and techno-economic analysis of different conventional as well as non-conventional renewable energy sources. Much of the information presented in this book is basically to acquire an understanding of the integrated energy planning, its design, development, implementation, monitoring and feedback evaluation. This book will be useful for those involved in energy activities and planning.
Renewable Energy Sources for Sustainable Development
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Er. N.L. Panwar is working as Assistant Professor, Department of Renewable Energy Sources, College of Technology and Engineering, Udaipur. He did M.E. with specialization in Renewable Energy Engineering. He is also working as Research Engineer in the AICRP on Renewable Energy Sources (Thermo Chemical Conversion Technology). His scientific interests are in the field of new and renewable energy sources, energy conservation and application of energy in agro-based industries. He has contributed more than 15 technical papers and 2 books on renewable energy aspect.
Dr. N.S. Rathore (Born: 1st July 1960) obtained M.Tech. from IIT, Delhi and Ph.D. from Rajasthan Agricultural University. Before moving to Sukhadia University, Udaipur in February 1982 as lecturer, he worked briefly for Chambal Command Area Development Kota. Dr. Rathor became Associate Professor at CTAE, Udaipur in July 1989. Presently he is Professor and Head, Department of Renewable Energy Sources, College of Technology & Engineering, Udaipur. He is member of several professional societies in India and abroad. He has organized many training programmes and has authored 95 research papers published in National and International journals. He has published 18 books and training manuals on various aspects of Agricultural Engineering, Energy Ecology and Environment, Dr. Rathore has attended advanced training on Bio-Energy in University of Arizona, USA and has traveled to USA, Japan, Thailand and Australia for attending International and Workshops. Dr. Rathore is also working as a Research Engineer in the ICAR sponsored AICRP on Renewal Energy Sources (Solar Energy Component). He is also Project Coordinator in Regional Bio-gas Training and Development Centre. He also worked as Project and he has been awarded many medals including IASE Appreciation Medal, ISAE Outstanding book award, and Nanda Memorial Young Scientist Award and Outstanding book award from Ministry of Environment and Forestry fir the book entitled Environmental Education. Dr. Rathore has been awarded ISAE, Team Award 1998-99 along with 5 other Udaipur for his significant contribution in the field of Renewable Energy. Dr. Rathore is life member of Indian Society of Agriculture Engineers, Solar Energy Society of India, Bio-Energy Society of India, Indian society of Technical Education, Indian Society of Tree Scientists. Institute of Engineers, Associate member of Regional wood Energy Development Programme in Asia, Nitrogen fixation tree Associate, Developing Country farm Radio Network, International Draught Information Centre, Member of World Energy coalition, International Association of Solar Energy Education etc. Dr. Rathore has undertaken 18 research projects sponsored by Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources, Indian Council of Agril. Research, Rajasthan Energy Development Agency and Department of Science & Technology Dr. Rathore organized 18 International Training, Seminar Workshop and Conference and 12 ISTE sponsored Summer School There are total 81 reports proceeding, popular articles to his credit.
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Renewable Energy Sources for Sustainable Development
1st ed.
xi+297p., Tables; Figures; References; 26cm.
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