The story of invertebrate gametes–their structure, origin, composition, physiology, and production mechanisms–was told in Volumes I and II; how accessory sex gland secretions facilitate their packaging, storage, survival, and delivery in Volume III; events leading to and following the union of gametes such as insemination, sperm-egg interaction, fertilization, embryonic and post-embryonic development, embryonic nutrition, eclosion, and larval settlement and metamorphosis in Volume IV (Parts A and B). ‘Sexual differentiation and behaviour’, the fifth volume in the encyclopaedic series, deals with various aspects of sexual biology of invertebrates ranging from Porifera to Chaetognatha–the patterns of sexuality and their evolution; genetic and non-genetic basis of sex determination; sex ratios; endogenous and exogenous influences in sexual differentiation and maturation; puberty, and aspects of sexual behaviour such as its ontogeny, genetics, species-specificity and evolution, mate recognition and selection, receptivity, courtship, copulatory and post-copulatory behaviour, and the mechanisms controlling mating behaviour. This volume serves as an indispensable corollary and companion to the four volumes that have already appeared in the series.
A Textbook of Physical Geography
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