North-East India is endowed with resources of land, water, forest, minerals etc. The region is also rich in diverse culture, ethnicity and heritage. The demographic profile of the region is undergoing rapid change. Projections reveal that percentage of population in age group of 0-4 years will decline and the population in the reproductive age group will undergo a massive increase. The demographic transition is both a challenge and an opportunity for the country. The opportunity is that India will have a battery of large productive and reproductive populace. The challenge is to develop synergy between ongoing demographic, educational, economical and technical transitions so that India can hasten population stabilization and rapidly achieve sustainable development. Strategies and programmes followed, till now, have taken a rather narrow perspective on the health of women and children. Women’s health programmes have been primarily designed to address issues related to maternal health. Child health interventions have focused on mortality prevention with insufficient emphasis on development issues. Under Reproduction Child Health Programme, government is committed to providing a package of reproductive services such as safe delivery, pre and post notal care, abortion, treatment of reproductive tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases, counseling on sexuality and responsible parenthood, and contraceptive services etc. Against this perspective, the present book highlights the status of Reproductive Child Health in India, particularly in North Eastern Region. It also presents demographic and health profile of north-eastern region as well as assesses the impact of RCH services, community participation and health seeking behaviour of populace. It is hoped that the book will be useful to policy makers, administrators, health workers, representatives and manages of NGO’s and other community-based organizations and those who are interested in this field.

Reproductive Child Health in the North East Region
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Reproductive Child Health in the North East Region
1st ed.
viii+172p., Tables; References; 23cm.
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