Research Methodology in Social Sciences: A Practical Guide

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This book is an attempt to provide an elementary foundation in research methodology for those who have just began their research in economics and other branches of social sciences, in developing the most appropriate methodology for their research studies. This book can be used both by beginners and specialists. This book is not meant to be an all inclusive and comprehensive work on research methodology. It does not include methods and techniques used in the analysis of data. The speciality of the book is that papers included in this book have been written by experienced researchers. The papers have dealt with both theoretical and practical issues. Therefore, the book will help researchers in having a theoretical grounding as well as practical tips in doing research in social sciences. It will also facilitate the researchers in pursuing their research work more systematically and with confidence. A research student will benefit from the methods explained and the practical tips provided in it.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kanak Kanti Bagchi

Dr. Kanak Kanti Bagchi (b. 1985) is currently Reader and Head, Department of Economics, North Bengal University, Darjeeling. He got his Masters degree (1980) and Ph. D. degree (1992) in Economics from North Bengal University. He has a wide teaching experience at undergraduate, postgraduate and research levels. He is also supervising research works of students for the award of M. Phil. and Ph. D. degrees. His main fields of interest are Agricultural Economics, Development Economics, Public Economics and Labour Economics. He has written several articles for books, journals, weeklies and dailies. He has written a textbook (with co-author) on Development Economics and Statistics for undergraduate students. He has also presented a number of articles at University, State and National level Workshops, Seminars and Conferences.


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Research Methodology in Social Sciences: A Practical Guide
1st ed.
xii+436p., Tables; Figures.