Allelopathy the term coined by Prof. Hans Molisch, a German Plant Physiologist in 1937 is a new field of science. However, no standard methods are being used by various workers due to lack of compendium on the Techniques, hence, the results obtained are not easily comparable with each others. Till now lot of allelopathy research has been done in various fields of Agricultural and Plant Sciences. However, there is no compilation of various Research Methods used. Every scientist is conducting research in his own way. Therefore, to make available the standard methods for conducting research independently in plant sciences, this Multi-volume book has been planned. Since there are several disciplines/areas of research, hence, separate volume has been planned for each discipline. Prof. S.S. Narwal has planned this multivolume book Research Methods in Plant Sciences: and till now 8-volumes have been published and 3 volumes including this one are in 'In Press'. The book is devided into 3 Sections: Section I. Soil Preparation and Preliminary Analysis that includes 3 chapters (Samples collection, Handling and storage, Colorimetric analysis, TLC and PC analysis). Section II. Analysis of Soil Allelochemicals has 15 Chapters (Amino acids, Enzymes, Lipids, Carbohydrates, Phenolic compounds, Terpenoids, Alkaloids, Cyanogenic compounds, Reactive oxygen species, Antioxidant capacity, Enzymatic, antioxidant system, Adenine and pyridine nucleotides, Vitamins, Jasmonates). In addition, Section III contains appendices. This book will serve as ready reference in the Laboratory or Class-Room teaching and will provide detailed methods for Laboratory and field studies in Agriculture and allied fields of Plant Sciences. Information provided can be used to determine the different allelochemicals in various types of Agro-ecosystems. It will be useful for Under-graduate and Post-graduate students and researchers, soil scientists, biochemists, chemists and other plant science specialists. We have tried to provide appropriate methods to determine allelochemicals in soils. The users of this book can select suitable methods, according to the available facilities.
Research Methods in Plant Sciences, Volume I: Soil Allelochemicals
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Research Methods in Plant Sciences, Volume I: Soil Allelochemicals
1st ed.
x+436p., Tables; Figures; Bibliography; Index.
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