Retinal Detachment Surgery and Laser Treatment

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The book "Retinal Detachment Surgery and Laser Treatment" covers a step by step description of the development, structure, functioning, pathophysiology, and treatment of the retina and its related structures, as well as its different pathologies. Professionally designed with full color illustrations, this book presents an updated review of the diseases, evaluation methods and different forms and approaches both for treatment and surgery.

It provides you with immediate access to chapters on detailed clinical subjects as well as crucial surgical steps, updated advances in microsurgical instrumentation and refined diagnostic equipment fundamental for visual rehabilitation. Far more than only surgical, this book includes chapters written in an easy to read style by vitreoretinal specialist of recognized reputation in different topics such as surgery in children, vitreoretinal proliferation and detachment, argon laser treatment and posterior pole imaging as well as OCT. Important chapters on the clinical assessment and management of retinal detachment disease requiring surgery, are also covered.


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Retinal Detachment Surgery and Laser Treatment
1st. ed.
196p., 8.5" X 11"